Frequently Asked Questions

Students/General Questions

  1. What services does the 教务长 office provide?
  2. What are my rights if I am accused of a Code of Conduct violation?
  3. How do I check/refill my Acebucks?
  4. How do I withdraw from the University?
  5. How do I sign up for Harlaxton?
  6. I need to miss class. How do I receive an official excused absence?
  7. What if I test positive for COVID?
  8. What happens if I am placed on academic probation?
  9. 我的朋友过得很艰难,我注意到他们的行为(情绪)发生了变化, 的饮食习惯, 上课, 等.). I am worried about them. 我能帮什么忙??
  10. If an incident happens off-campus involving UE students, can charges be brought under the Code of Student Conduct?
  11. 如果我在学期中生病或有家庭紧急情况,可能会错过几节课和/或最后期限,我该怎么办?
  12. What should I do if I am having conflicts with a professor?
  13. Who should I talk to if I am a victim of bias?
  14. Who do I talk to if I have a roommate or housing issue?

Family Member Questions

  1. 我的学生住院了,不能和教授交流,我该怎么办?
  2. 我担心我的学生(学业、社交、情感健康等).) and am unsure how to help. What can your office do for me?
  3. I received a notification about a Purple Post my student received. What does that mean?

Students/General Questions

What services does the 教务长 office provide?

Among many things, our office is a place to voice your worries and concerns as a student, 当你在大学经历中犯错误时,这里可以帮助你走上正确的道路, 还有一个地方,可以帮助你在生活可能妨碍课堂时与老师联系.

What are my rights if I am accused of a Code of Conduct violation?


  1. 正当程序

    1. 根据正当程序,被指控的违规者将享有以下权利:

      (1) The right to be faced by one’s accuser
      (二)在开庭前七十二小时书面提出控告的权利, which will be evidenced by the initiating agent statement
      (3) The right to a hearing
      (4) The right to have witnesses speak on one’s behalf
      (6) In the case of alleged sexual misconduct, 有关程序和正当程序的信息,请参阅本手册的不当性行为部分

How do I check/refill my Acebucks?

虽然我们的办公室不处理膳食计划,更多的信息可以在 Plan 改变s, Checking Balances, and Adding Ace Bucks.

How do I withdraw from the University?

In order to complete your withdrawal request, you will need to contact the office of Academic Services. To make this request, please email

Please note, you are 要求 在退出前咨询学生财务服务(812-488-2364)和学术服务(812-488-2895).

Additional services that are strongly recommended:

  • 咨询中心(812-488-2663),在工作时间或下班后致电公共安全(812-488-6911)。
  • Center for Career Development (812-488-1083)
How do I sign up for Harlaxton?

虽然我们的办公室不处理哈拉克斯顿的请求,你可以找到更多的信息 Harlaxton Website.

I need to miss class. How do I receive an official excused absence?
请浏览我们的 Excused Absences 信息.
What if I test positive for COVID?
如果您的检测呈阳性,则需要在症状开始日期后隔离5-10天. You will need to wear a mask when you are around others for 10 days. It is your responsibility to inform your close contacts. You must complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form as soon as possible. 学生有责任联系他们的教师,告知他们的情况和他们最后一天的隔离(报告表包括一个计算器,它会告诉你你最后一天的隔离). If you have any further questions, please visit UE's COVID Website or contact our office.
What happens if I am placed on academic probation?

信息 about academic probation can be found on the Academic Standards 页面. 如果您有任何进一步的问题,请联系学术服务.

我的朋友过得很艰难,我注意到他们的行为(情绪)发生了变化, 的饮食习惯, 上课, 等.). I am worried about them. 我能帮什么忙??

If you are concerned about a friend, there are several resources you can connect to on campus including 居住生活, the 教务长 office, and Counseling Services. 事实上,与咨询服务机构谈论你的担忧可能是最好的帮助方式之一! 辅导员可以代表你向你的朋友/同龄人/室友发送匿名外展信息,向他们介绍服务,并提供与辅导员见面的机会. 与此同时,你也可以获得辅导员提供的支持和服务.

如果你想了解更多关于如何与你的朋友和家人就心理健康问题进行艰难的对话, Mental Health First 援助 is an affordable, 为期一天的课程,教授技能和语言,帮助人们度过生活中的困难时刻. 就像急救教授如何在身体紧急情况下提供护理和支持一样, 心理健康急救装备你的工具,让你在处理心理健康问题和危机时感到冷静和自信.

If an incident happens off-campus involving UE students, can charges be brought under the Code of Student Conduct?



我们总是建议首先与教师一起解决请假问题. 学校政策允许我们的办公室为重大医疗或个人原因出具官方请假, such as emergency hospitalization of a student, 葬礼, 陪审员的义务, or certain emergencies involving immediate family members. 如果你认为你的缺课可能会妨碍你完成这个学期, you may need to consider dropping a course, 撤回, or taking a medical leave of absence. 如果您正在考虑这些选择,我们建议您与您的客户进行讨论 Academic Advisor.

What should I do if I am having conflicts with a professor?

首先,确保你已经试着和你的教授解决问题. If this is not an option, 下一步是联系部门主席和你的SGA监察员. If you are dissatisfied after these conversations, you might want to file an academic grievance, which is processed with academic affairs.

Who should I talk to if I am a victim of bias?

This information is available in the 学生手册. Particularly, Section 7. 如果您有进一步的问题或疑虑,请不要犹豫与我们的办公室联系.

Who do I talk to if I have a roommate or housing issue?

居住生活 generally handles Roommate and Housing Issues. More information can be found at Living With a Roommate.

Family Member Questions


Contact our office and provide as much information as possible. 我们将能够原谅他们的缺席,并代表他们通知他们的教员.

我担心我的学生(学业、社交、情感健康等).) and am unsure how to help. What can your office do for me?

We have a few options in these kinds of situations. If your student lives on campus and the situation is serious, we can do a wellness check, 我们派一名公共安全官员去他们的房间,确保一切正常. If it is a non-emergency, 我们可以创建一个紫色的帖子,通知所有适用的办公室/教职员工联系并提供支持. 我们的办公室特别可以联系并邀请学生与院长会面,或者与家庭成员讨论他们可以传递给学生的资源和建议.

I received a notification about a Purple Post my student received. What does that mean?

紫色职位由学术服务处管理,更多信息可在 Purple Posts 页面.