Alcohol and Approved Greek Social Events

校园社区的所有成员和客人都应遵守印第安纳州法律和大学的政策, consumption, use, production or sale of alcohol. 希腊组织可以根据“批准的希腊社会活动”政策,在批准的注册活动中向达到法定饮酒年龄的客人提供酒精饮料. 在兄弟会宿舍举行的酒精社交活动必须遵循第三方供应商流程或BYOB流程. Alcohol is not permitted at Open Parties, during recruitment events, or in association with new member education or initiation activities.


希腊组织的成员可以获得关于旁观者干预的正式规划, alcohol education, and Indiana State Law. 在组织内承担领导责任的成员必须在活动批准之前参加适当的服务方法和消费水平相关的适当培训.

General Provisions for Alcohol at an Approved Greek Event

  1. The purchasing of alcoholic beverages through the use of chapter funds, through any special account associated with the chapter, 严禁通过募捐或由本分会任何成员协调的方式进行公共消费.
  2. The use of single source containers such as party balls, kegs, punch bowls or trash cans are prohibited.
  3. No one shall purchase or serve or sell alcoholic beverages to a minor.
  4. Chapters shall not, under any circumstances, co-sponsor or contribute financially to an event with an alcoholic distributor, 给在场的人提供酒的慈善组织或酒馆.
  5. All recruitment activities, formal or informal, associated with a chapter must be free of alcoholic beverages.
  6. 所有兄弟会举办的社交聚会都必须提供宾客名单,并通过学生参与中心注册.
  7. 所有有酒精饮料的社交活动都必须遵循自带酒水的准则,或者雇佣第三方供应商. 社交活动不应将饮酒作为活动的中心焦点.
  8. When alcoholic beverages are served at a social event, 鼓励不含酒精的饮料和食品在单独的地方提供,而不是在用于分发酒精的地点.
  9. Drinking games and other forms of alcohol abuse shall not be tolerated, condoned, encouraged or participated in by members or guests at a campus event.
  10. 鼓励各分会聘请专业的酒席承办商和经过认证的调酒师. 如果由第三方供应商提供,此服务可能包括现金条形式的普通容器. 一般责任保险必须由餐饮承办人获得,英国威廉希尔中文网站和分会必须在一般责任保险单上被指定为额外保险.
  11. 任何组织在任何时候都不得为促进社会活动而为酒精饮料做广告.
  12. 在任何新人/准会员或新会员教育活动或仪式上,不得饮酒.

Below is a list of requirements to host an alcoholic event. A full set of guidelines for what is expected of host organizations prior to, 在注册活动期间和之后可以在“兄弟会主办的活动指南”中找到。

  1. 社交活动必须在活动预定日期前的周三之前向学生参与中心注册.
  2. 嘉宾名单必须在活动预定举办日期之前的周五中午提交给学生参与中心.
  3. No guests under the age of 18 are permitted in a fraternity house.
  4. 主办机构有责任了解并遵守与风险管理有关的国家组织指导方针, alcoholic beverages and hosted activities.
  5. 年满21岁并计划饮用酒精饮料的学生将在主办地点佩戴腕带进行识别. 这些腕带将由博爱理事会提供给主办机构.
  6. 使用第三方供应商的活动将被要求从学生参与中心与风险管理办公室提供的选项列表中选择经批准的供应商. Third-party vendors must be registered 3 weeks prior to an event.
  7. During a BYOB hosted event, “调酒师”将是来自主办单位接受过TIPS培训的个人.
  8. 主办单位负责在整个活动期间和活动结束后30分钟内提供6名成员的清醒监督.
  9. Additionally, 每个注册的活动需要2名国际金融公司和/或2名泛希腊社会监测员(共4名)参加.
  10. 所有在兄弟会宿舍登记的含酒精的活动都必须在宿舍的公共区域举行,并且只有一个提供酒精饮料的地方. Serving alcohol from individual rooms is strictly prohibited.
  11. 所有酒类的分发必须在活动预定结束前30分钟结束.
  12. During BYOB events, 21岁或以上的会员和客人可以携带最多6瓶标准啤酒(12盎司).) or 72 oz. total; 4 wine coolers or malt beverages (not to exceed 8% alcohol). Per fraternity guidelines, glass containers are not permitted.
  13. All beverages must be served from their original container.
  14. At the end of a social event hosted at a fraternity house, 国际金融公司和泛希腊社会监督员将负责在主办活动后的第一个工作日内向学生参与中心完成一份“活动后报告”.